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The EMIME project has now finished and we have released our tools and data as open source.

Page Licence
EMIME licence
Folder Tools
Tools created during the course of the EMIME project and made available open-source. (Use option Add new -> link to add more)
Folder ASR models
Models for ASR
Folder TTS average voice models
English, Finnish and Mandarin average voice models for HMM-based speech synthesis
Folder EMIME Bilingual Database
The EMIME Bilingual Finnish/English, German/English and Mandarin/English Database
Folder UCAM Bilingual database
Folder EMIME Realtime Demo SpeakerAdaptation Database
Speaker adaptation data for Real-time demo in EMIME project. These data are recorded by Nokia mobile phone N97 mini. The sample rate is 8KHz
Folder Machine Translation Lattice
Lattice output from machine translation systems developed by University of Cambridge.
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